Revolutionizing Foot Health with Movability’s Custom Orthotics

Discover the transformative world of custom orthotics with Movability, where we pioneer advanced solutions for foot health. Our journey into custom orthotics offers a comprehensive overview of how these specialized devices deliver personalized care, vastly superior to over-the-counter options.

Understanding Custom Orthotics and Addressing a Variety of Foot Conditions

Custom orthotics are precision-crafted devices designed to correct foot abnormalities, enhance alignment, and prevent complications. Far from being mere shoe inserts, they offer personalized solutions tailored to individual needs. These orthotics play a pivotal role in managing a wide array of foot conditions, each with its unique signs and symptoms, by providing targeted support and relief. Conditions treated with custom orthotics include:

• Plantar Fasciitis: Sharp heel pain, especially in the morning or after resting.

• Flat Feet (Pes Planus): Pain in the heel or arch, feet tiring easily.

• High Arches (Pes Cavus): Foot pain in the heel or arch, difficulty fitting into shoes.

• Diabetic Neuropathy: Numbness, tingling, sharp pains or cramps in the feet.

• Bunions: Bump on the outside base of the big toe, pain, soreness.

• Achilles Tendonitis: Pain and stiffness along the Achilles tendon.

• Overpronation: Arch pain, heel pain, wear pattern on shoes indicating inward rolling of the foot.

• Arthritis (Foot and Ankle): Pain, stiffness, swelling in the feet or ankles.

• Metatarsalgia, Morton’s Neuroma, Shin Splints, Ankle Instability, Heel Spurs, Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD), and more.

By offering arch support, redistributing pressure evenly, providing cushioning, and reducing strain on specific areas, custom orthotics not only alleviate pain but also address the underlying causes of discomfort. This comprehensive approach ensures enhanced comfort, improved functionality, and a significant step towards a pain-free, active lifestyle.

Beyond Foot Pain: Orthotics for Whole-Body Health

Custom orthotics also address lower back pain and other body alignment issues by correcting foot misalignments, promoting even weight distribution, and improving overall posture. This holistic benefit underscores the importance of orthotics in contributing to full-body wellness.

A Holistic Approach to Recovery

Movability’s commitment to health goes beyond the feet. We employ a holistic recovery path that includes rehabilitation exercises, manual therapy, and a thorough health review to address the root causes of discomfort. Our goal is to ensure a comprehensive recovery, enhancing mobility and quality of life for our patients.

The Movability Difference: Precision-Crafted Custom Orthotics

Crafted with precision by our expert chiropractor, Dr. Sina, using advanced laser casting technology and detailed biomechanical analysis, our custom orthotics are made from elite running shoe-grade EVA plastic, ensuring unparalleled comfort and functionality.

Join the Revolution in Foot Care

Step into a world where foot pain is a thing of the past with Movability’s custom orthotics. Trust our innovative approach to foot health and embark on a journey towards a pain-free, active lifestyle with the significant difference our custom orthotics can make in your movement and overall well-being.

Sina Yeganeh